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In June, all entering students must complete a directed self-placement process for first-year writing courses, a process that helps students select between the two writing courses that fulfill the first-year writing requirement.
Dartmouth uses an online process called Directed Self-Placement (DSP) to help you choose your first-year writing courses. You will receive more information about this process in June and will have three weeks to answer a questionnaire, read a few articles, and compose an essay. Based on your submission, our faculty will make a recommendation that will help you with a final decision about which writing course to take.
The purpose of this process is to help you understand the difference among the writing courses, reflect on your writing experiences and abilities, and make a thoughtful choice about which of these writing courses might be best for you.
More information can be found in the FAQ's below.
Dartmouth's directed self-placement process (DSP) for writing courses offers you the opportunity to reflect on your past writing experiences and abilities, learn more about Dartmouth's first-year writing courses, and receive a recommendation from Dartmouth writing faculty regarding which of these courses might be the best fit for you.
Starting June 1st, you may access the online DSP site using instructions that will be posted on the First-Year Writing Choices page.
To complete the directed self-placement process for writing courses, you complete a questionnaire, review our course offerings, read a set of selected essays, and compose a brief writing sample. Our faculty will then make a recommendation that will help you make a final decision about which writing course to take. The process itself is reflective and instructional, encouraging you to think about the intellectual work that lies ahead.
Yes. WRIT 2-3 is a popular course, and we typically have a wait list of students who want to take this course. Students who have completed the placement process will be given first consideration. Completing the placement process enables you to make an informed and thoughtful decision about which writing course is best for you.
Yes. All entering first-year students must complete the process or risk being placed into a course that might not be the best match for them. You will receive valuable information from this process that will help you assess what course is best for you. It also lets you indicate whether they are interested in taking other courses that satisfy the writing requirement.
No. Our faculty make recommendations, not placements.
You may decline a recommendation for WRIT 2-3 and request to take WRIT 5 by emailing writing.placement@dartmouth.edu.
If you are recommended to take WRIT 5, but want WRIT 2-3, you may need to be placed on a wait list, as space in that program is limited. If you are recommended for WRIT 5 after completing the direct self-placement process and prefer WRIT 2-3, you should email writing.placement@dartmouth.edu.
For more information comparing the first-year writing courses, see the Differences among First-year Writing Courses page.
Please write to the Coordinator of Placement (writing.placement@dartmouth.edu).