Directed Self-Placement

In June, all entering students must complete a directed self-placement process for first-year writing courses, a process that helps students select between the two writing courses that fulfill the first-year writing requirement.

Choosing Your Writing Course

Dartmouth uses an online process called Directed Self-Placement (DSP) to help you choose your first-year writing courses. You will receive more information about this process in June and will have three weeks to answer a questionnaire, read a few articles, and compose an essay. Based on your submission, our faculty will make a recommendation that will help you with a final decision about which writing course to take.

The purpose of this process is to help you understand the difference among the writing courses, reflect on your writing experiences and abilities, and make a thoughtful choice about which of these writing courses might be best for you. 

More information can be found in the FAQ's below.

Important Deadlines for Directed Self-Placement

  • The online placement site will become available June 2.
  • The deadline to submit information through the placement site is June 22.
  • Your recommended placement will be sent to you via email on July 15.
  • The deadline to request a different placement is July 22.