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Writing 2-3 is a two-term, two-credit course that provides more intensive guidance through the reading, writing, and research processes.
Students who complete the online directed self-placement process and accept placement into a Writing 2-3 course will be preregistered for Writing 2 before fall term course election. Writing 2 students will be pre-registered for Writing 3 before winter term course election. Students who take the Writing 2-3 sequence take their First-year Seminar in the spring term, and will need to register for a First-year Seminar at the same time they register for their other spring term courses.
Writing 2-3 is limited to 15 students per section and is taught only in fall and winter terms.
Writing 2-3 is taken in place of Writing 5. Students must successfully complete both terms of Writing 2-3 to fulfill the first-year writing requirement and then must take a First-year Seminar to fulfill the first-year seminar requirement.
Writing 2-3 does not serve in partial satisfaction of the General Education requirements such as distributive requirements or the world culture requirement.