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Institute for Writing and Rhetoric, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
"Towards an Embodied Pedagogy in the Teaching of Latin American Theatre" in Dramatic Interactions: Teaching Literature, Culture, and Language Through Theater. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011.
"Desde lo mexicano al mundo: El teatro de Sabina Berman." Paso de Gato (abril mayo junio 2011): 13
"Review of Imagining La Chica Moderna: Women, Nation, and Visual Culture, Mexico 1917 - 1940," by Joanne Hershfeld. E-misférica 7:1 "Unsettling Visuality" (2010). <http://hemi.nyu.edu/hemi/en/e-misferica-71/aness>
"The Challenges of Translation, the Deception of Reception: The Case of Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman by Sabina Berman." Symposium 61:4 (2008): 278 - 290.