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Sara Biggs Chaney has taught writing courses for the Institute since 2005. As a teacher, she views writing as a process of inquiry that should engage students on all levels. In her first-year writing courses, she encourages students to formulate challenging questions and to pursue answers through reading, research, and writing. She hopes students will leave her courses with a fuller understanding of their own writing process and a deeper appreciation for the role that writing will play in their college experience and beyond. In her upper-level courses, she wants her students to expand their writing abilities and foster greater rhetorical flexibility. She provides students with a theoretically-informed framework within which they will learn to write effectively and reflect deeply on their writing practices. Sara has a sustained interest in experiential learning, and regularly seeks opportunities for students to bridge the gap between conceptual and procedural knowledge.
Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
"Rankings and Ravings in the Academic Public." Rhetoric Review, April 2011
"Beyond Critical Pedagogy in Basic Writing." Review Essay, Enculturation, June 2010.
"Study of Teacher Error: Misreading Resistance in the Basic Writing Classroom." Journal of Basic Writing 23 (Spring 2004): 25-38.