Dartmouth Events

Emotional Eating: The Connection Between Mood & Food Webinar

Learn how to retrain your body and mind to recognize the cues of hunger and to eat for physiological and not emotional reasons.

12 pm – 1 pm
Intended Audience(s): Faculty, Postdoc, Staff
Categories: Workshops & Training

The population of the United States is becoming increasingly obese with each passing decade. There are many speculations about the cause of this phenomenon from an increasing sedentary lifestyle, the ready availability of high caloric foods to stress and even sleep deprivation. However, if people ate only when they were truly hungry and stopped when they were full, there would be no obesity epidemic. This workshop will address the relationship between emotions and food consumption and how to retrain your body and mind to recognize the cues of hunger and to eat for physiological and not emotional reasons.


Plus, Pulse participants will receive points for attending!

For more information, contact:
Wellness at Dartmouth

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.